Initial Rate | Initial Payment | Reverting Rate | Total Fees | Type | Overall Cost for Comparison | Initial Period (months) | Early Repayment Charge | 2 Year Total Cost | Total Amount Payable Over Term | SchemeID | BaselenderId | TotalFees | LenderName |
4.44% | £552.43 | 8.24% | £995 | Fixed | 6.9% APRC | 60m | 60m | £16,966 | £213,343 | 5037 | 156 | 995 | Scottish B.Soc |
4.47% | £554.13 | 7.99% | £1,020 | Fixed | 6.7% APRC | 62m | 62m | £18,236 | £210,338 | 39946 | 80 | 1020 | Virgin Money |
4.49% | £555.27 | 7.49% | £1,014 | Fixed | 6.5% APRC | 60m | 60m | £16,769 | £203,604 | 31956 | 75 | 1014 | Nationwide B.Soc |
4.52% | £556.97 | 6.79% | £3,015 | Fixed | 6.2% APRC | 64m | 64m | £22,166 | £196,539 | 65453 | 140 | 3015 | Skipton B.Society |
4.59% | £560.95 | 7.84% | £15 | Fixed | 6.6% APRC | 62m | 62m | £16,539 | £207,789 | 14778 | 628 | 15 | Bank of Ireland |
Initial Rate | Initial Payment | Reverting Rate | Total Fees | Type | Overall Cost for Comparison | Initial Period (months) | Early Repayment Charge | 2 Year Total Cost | Total Amount Payable Over Term | SchemeID | BaselenderId | TotalFees | LenderName |
4.44% | £552.43 | 8.24% | £995 | Fixed | 6.9% APRC | 60m | 60m | £16,966 | £213,343 | 5037 | 156 | 995 | Scottish B.Soc |
4.47% | £554.13 | 7.99% | £1,020 | Fixed | 6.7% APRC | 62m | 62m | £18,236 | £210,338 | 39946 | 80 | 1020 | Virgin Money |
4.49% | £555.27 | 7.49% | £1,014 | Fixed | 6.5% APRC | 60m | 60m | £16,769 | £203,604 | 31956 | 75 | 1014 | Nationwide B.Soc |
4.52% | £556.97 | 6.79% | £3,015 | Fixed | 6.2% APRC | 64m | 64m | £22,166 | £196,539 | 65453 | 140 | 3015 | Skipton B.Society |
4.59% | £560.95 | 7.84% | £15 | Fixed | 6.6% APRC | 62m | 62m | £16,539 | £207,789 | 14778 | 628 | 15 | Bank of Ireland |
Initial Rate | Initial Payment | Reverting Rate | Total Fees | Type | Overall Cost for Comparison | Initial Period (months) | Early Repayment Charge | 2 Year Total Cost | Total Amount Payable Over Term | SchemeID | BaselenderId | TotalFees | LenderName |
5.00% | £584.00 | 8.24% | £1,499 | Tracker | 7.9% APRC | 27m | 0m | £15,515 | £228,119 | 50839 | 42 | 1499 | Halifax |
5.24% | £598.66 | 6.79% | £1,515 | Tracker | 6.7% APRC | 24m | 0m | £15,938 | £203,786 | 59807 | 140 | 1515 | Skipton B.Society |
5.24% | £598.66 | 6.99% | £999 | Tracker | 7.0% APRC | 24m | 0m | £15,367 | £208,421 | 51669 | 344 | 999 | HSBC Intermediary |
5.24% | £598.66 | 7.49% | £1,014 | Tracker | 7.4% APRC | 24m | 0m | £14,947 | £216,327 | 43235 | 75 | 1014 | Nationwide B.Soc |
5.39% | £607.54 | 7.99% | £995 | Tracker | 7.9% APRC | 26m | 26m | £15,675 | £226,572 | 37792 | 80 | 995 | Virgin Money |
This table is based on a residential property value of £125,000 and a mortgage secured against that property of £100,000 (assuming no fees added), calculated on a capital & repayment basis (repayment mortgage) over a term of 25 years (300 monthly payments).
Source: Mortgage Brain. This information was last revised on 20 Dec 2024 at 03:46 hours
Disclaimer: This information does not contain all of the details you need to choose a mortgage. Interest rates can fluctuate and this could affect the amount payable by yourself.